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Collaboration with Snapcrafter / OOTD

Very recently I collaborated with photographer Zahra Sarfraz to do a photoshoot in central London.  Zahra is professional but also super friendly to work with, I do know her personally and some may think I am being slightly biased, but many who have worked with her for the first time around would definitely agree with me. She guides you very clearly and from what I expected of this shoot we managed to achieve a lot more than what we initially planned and that all depends on how well your photographer communicates with you. Zahra was compassionate, energetic and determined in her approach for this shoot and I had an amazing time working with her.  I have linked her Website, Instagram and Faceook below for anyone who is hoping to check out her work or get in touch with her, so be sure to have a look:

She gave me a theme of a look that is classy/edgy but still appropriate for day time and this is the outfit I decided to wear (Outfit details are listed at the end of this post): 

Outfit Details:

Jumper: New Look- £10.00 (In the sale)
Mom Jeans: Topshop - £40.00
Belt: H&M - £6.00
Boots: Next - £60.00
Fur Jacket: - £15.00 (Outlet Price)
Bag: Next - £10.00 (In the sale)
Watch: Cluse - £60.00
Hair: Natural state (You'll realise this with my hair a lot of the times, I get lazy)

Picture 1 - Streets of Knightsbridge, London
Picture 2, 3 & 4 - Buckingham Palace, London 

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